Please click the link below or scan the QR Code to answer some questions and test your evaluation knowledge!
For each correct answer, you get one point. Count your achieved points.
0-14 points: The Core Course is perfect for you to gain a comprehensive overview of what evaluation is and how to do it. You might also want to check which workshops would additionally suit your needs in the second week.
15-17 points: You might consider participating in the Core Course, but you should once again carefully read the description on the website. You should also check which workshops in the second program week would suit your needs.
18-20 points: We recommend you do NOT participate in the Core Course as you obviously already have a profound knowledge base in evaluation. You should rather choose two workshops in the second program week.
If you still have doubts, please don’t hesitate to contact IPDET’s Head of Program, Stefanie Krapp, at [email protected].