Scenarios for cooperation
As part of its Global Outreach strategy, IPDET is open and responsive to requests from organizations around the world that seek ECD support. As IPDET is embedded in the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI), IPDET is committed to GEI’s core values of sustainability, cultural responsiveness, innovation, country ownership, collaboration, inclusion, and excellence, as well as its focus on supporting global public goods.
Global Outreach activities can be both, demand and supply driven:
- In the first case, IPDET receives a request for support from an organization or institution in a specific country and/or region, which is to be assessed by the IPDET team according to the underlying principles and criteria of the Global Outreach strategy.
- In the second case, supply driven, IPDET develops specific cooperation projects based on the principles and criteria of the Global Outreach strategy and the ECD needs of intended target groups (e.g. on awareness raising & building, evaluation management, practical conduction and/or use of evaluations),, and approaches possible partners and target groups for implementation.
- In practice, there can be also a mixture of both, that is, IPDET receives a request for support and develops then – in close cooperation with the partner – this idea further until a final activity has been set up.
For all scenarios it is from importance to achieve synergies, better meet specific regional demands, and adequately consider cultural and regional specificities. IPDET seeks possible partners to jointly deliver respective offers in different countries.
What we are not looking for are request for only financial contributions or the implementation of already developed trainings/courses/activities.