Core Course
The Core Course provides a comprehensive overview of what is evaluation and how to do it. Combining lectures, classroom activities, theory, and practice, the core course is structured to offer daily peer learning opportunities through small groups and using real-world evaluation examples.
Recommended for
- Level: Participants with no or little prior knowledge and experience in evaluation.
- Position: Emerging Evaluators, mid-level and senior management, commissioners, policy makers, parliamentarians.
- Work environment: NGOs, Public Administration Institutions, bi- and multilateral development partners, Think Tanks, Universities, private firms.
- Goal: Commission, manage, conduct or use evaluations.
The participants know:
- about diverse Evaluation definitions, concepts, approaches and theories and their range of applications,
- about the designs, data collection and data analysis methods used in evaluation,
- about the influence of the social context on evaluations,
- how to give answers to the fundamental conceptual evaluation questions (like: objectives, functions, criteria, etc.),
- how to scope and frame an Evaluation,
- standards of Evaluation and are able to take them into account when planning and conducting an Evaluation,
- the different phases of an evaluation and related tasks of evaluators and commissioners,
- the requirements for a “good” Evaluation report and target group-oriented communication and dissemination,
- different kinds of use and how the use of Evaluation results can be supported.
Participants will be awarded an official IPDET Core Course participation certificate.