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Patricia Rogers

Chief Executive Officer of BetterEvaluation

Patricia Rogers is Chief Executive Officer of Better Evaluation, an international collaboration, NGO and registered charity with a mission to improve monitoring and evaluation by creating, sharing and supporting the use of knowledge about evaluation methods, processes and approaches. She was formerly Professor of Public Sector Evaluation at RMIT University and is now visiting professor at the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa. She is an experienced evaluator who has worked for more than 30 years in a wide range of sectors, countries and organisations, including national and sub-national government, UN agencies, development banks, NGOs and philanthropic organisations. Her PhD developed a framework for evaluating approaches to program evaluation, and she remains committed to improving evaluation to maximise its benefits and manage its risks. She is a Fellow of the Australian Evaluation Society and a recipient of the American Evaluation Association of evaluation, the AES Best Evaluation Study, the American Evaluation Association’s Alva and Gunnar Myrdal Practice Award.

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