IPDET 2019
From July 15 to August 2, 2019 IPDET has been implemented by the Center for Continuing Education (ZUW) at the University of Bern and the Center for Evaluation (CEval) in partnership with the Independent Evaluation Group of the World Bank for the second time at the University of Bern: 229 participants from 82 countries exchanged experiences and learned together during the one-week core course and two workshop weeks.
Read the IPDET 2019 Evaluation Report HERE!
What was new?
To improve the IPDET program further after the 2018 delivery, feedback was considered in several forms: Core Course and workshop assessments, world cafes results, and input from various stakeholders (representatives of evaluation associations and international experts in the evaluation field). We have strongly integrated feedback and perspectives from the South for the 2019 program, resulting in a more diversified faculty in gender, age, and region, current developments in the field, and considering the perspectives of different target groups with different knowledge and experience in evaluation (evaluators, commissioners, policy makers, and parliamentarians).
The IPDET Core Course underwent some reforms: A new curriculum, innovative didactics of adult learning and a new group work format have been developed and applied; special attention was laid on ensuring that the wide variety of participant’s experiences is valued; and for the first time in IPDET history, the core course was taught by a dynamic team of 5 instructors!
In the one-week Core Course on fundamentals of evaluation, participants gained a comprehensive overview of what is evaluation and how to do it. The course was designed for those with little prior evaluation experience or training, or for those seeking to refresh and update their basic knowledge. It combined lectures, group work, theory and practice in an interactive learning environment.
The two weeks of workshops were designed according to two strands for different target groups:
1) Core Course consolidation workshops on fundamentals level to deepen those contents further;
2) Advanced workshops on specific topics. The workshops delved into specialized areas of evaluation. Participants could choose from 20 different workshops covering topics like Qualitative Data Collection Methods, Quantitative Data Analysis, Impact Evaluation, Private Sector Evaluation, Theory-based causal analysis, Results-Based Monitoring & Evaluation, Evaluation in the UN, Evaluating Transformation, Communicating and Reporting, Participatory Evaluation, Culturally and Contextually Responsive Evaluation, or Gender Responsive Evaluation, just to name some.
a unique platform for sharing experiences and for networking
IPDET enabled peer-to-peer learning among people from around the globe who are engaged in evaluation, and deepened networks for collaboration and knowledge sharing during class and beyond. Alongside the courses, the participants enjoyed a varied framework program: from the tour through Bern old town up to the 2,200m high Schynige Platte, from the morning Qigong to the graduation dinners with keynote speeches by renowned international evaluation experts.
thanks to the participants for their trust in us!
Thanks to everybody who contributed to the success of IPDET 2019: particularly IEG for their comprehensive support, the Independent Evaluation Office of UNDP for providing a workshop, the IPDET 2019 faculty, the Swiss Development Cooperation, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, and the Foreign Ministry of the Netherlands for financing scholarships, and especially the participants who trusted in us, made the effort to come to Bern and made IPDET at the University of Bern such an extraordinary experience!Graduation Keynote by Dr. Linda Morra Imas.
Graduation Keynote by Prof. Dr. Frans Leeuw.