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What IPDET stands for

The International Program for Development Evaluation Training (IPDET) is an executive training program that aims to provide decision-makers, managers, and practitioners with the tools and skills needed to commission, manage, and implement policy, program or project evaluations at local, national, regional, and global levels as well as to use those evaluations for decision-making. IPDET sets a great focus on practice and provides a diversified approach for audiences from different organizations and sectors who play different roles in the evaluation process.

Since 2021 IPDET is Core Implementing Partner of the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI). Under this framework, IPDET cooperates with strategic partners to build a global, inclusive, multi-disciplinary community committed to evaluative evidence improving development outcomes. We create space for people engaged in evaluation to come together to learn, exchange knowledge, and collaborate.

The summer program in Bern consists of a one-week core course on fundamentals of evaluation, followed by a week of workshops on specialized topics and the latest developments in the field. In light of the COVID-19 crisis, IPDET has introduced a fully virtual program in 2020 and 2021, adapting to the constraints of the pandemic and emphasizing the relevance of and need for evaluation in the COVID-19 context where real-time evaluation is critical for decision-making. Since 2022, a combination of on-site and online formats has been offered, providing the best possible conditions for mutual learning and exchange for our participants.

Our courses and workshops are taught by an experienced group of renowned international faculty drawn from organizations around the world.

Come and join the global IPDET community on-site in Bern and/or virtually in our online events for a unique experience of learning and networking!

Watch the video with Dr. Stefanie Krapp, former Head of IPDET, introducing the program:

IPDET’s core values comprise

IPDET ECD Strategy

Read IPDET`s Evaluation Capacity Development Strategy to get more insights!

Watch IPDET alumni and their experience

IPDET Tracer Study

In 2022 IPDET conducted its first Tracer Study!

The objective was to find out about

  • increased capacity knowledge, skills and commitment to produce and use evaluative evidence
  • grown community that is actively sharing learning and collaborating
  • demographics of alumni and Organizations

771 alumni from the years 2014 to 2020 were included in the data collection. 221 alumni finalized the online survey. Several interviews with alumni and sending organizations were conducted. We thank everyone who supported the conduction of the Tracer Study!

The results can be found in our Tracer Study Report:

Watch the Interview with Brenda Barbour

Brenda Barbour is former Acting Director of Strategy and Operations and Manager of the Knowledge Management and Communications Department in the World Bank’s Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) and former IPDET Steering Group Member. In the Interview, she shares her view on IPDET’s responsibility to support woman, IPDET’s value for GEI and more!