Workshops (Week 2 of Bern Program)
Session I
in Week 2 | July 14 - 15 | 2 days long
I-c: Quantitative Impact Evaluation
Are experimental methods the gold standard of evaluation? Are there other valid and useful methods to answer questions about impact? What does that mean and why should we care? If you are interested in impact evaluation, but too afraid (of math and statistical formulae) to ask, this is the workshop for you.
Instructor(s)Claudia Maldonado
Recommended forEvaluators, Commissioners, Policy Makers, Practitioners, Activists
I-d: Theory-based Causal Analysis: the Basics of Process Tracing and QCA
This workshop covers the following topics: review of various causal theories and their affiliated theory-based evaluation methods; fundamentals of designing a theory-based case-based causal analysis; applications using within case causal analysis such as Process Tracing; and applications to enhance generalizability of causal claims through cross-case causal analysis (including brief introduction of QCA).
Instructor(s)Estelle Raimondo
Recommended forEvaluators, Researchers
Levelintermediate to advanced
Session II
in Week 2 | July 16 - 17 | 2 days long
I-e: From Data to Decisions: Integrating Machine Learning in Evaluation
The workshop introduces the fundamentals of integrating big data science and machine learning algorithms into your evaluation approach. You'll learn about Bayesian theory, predictive and prescriptive analytics, and how to address selection and algorithmic bias. You will be guided through an interactive step-by-step process of building evaluation models with primary and secondary datasets using an open-source, no-cost, no-code visual-based analytics platform.
Instructor(s)Peter York
Recommended forEvaluators, Practitioners, Policy Makers
II-b From Insights to Influence – Communication Strategies to Amplify Evaluation Utility
Are you tirelessly crafting evaluation reports, only to see them gather dust without making a real impact? They lack the narrative and creative spark that ignites action and influence. Here, you'll learn to morph your data into compelling stories. We'll equip you with innovative storytelling techniques and communication strategies tailored to various stakeholders. Our goal? To ensure your evaluation findings don't just inform but are utilised to inspire action and meaningful change.
Instructor(s)Ann Murray Brown
Recommended forEvaluators, Management, Policy Makers, Practitioners, Researchers, Commissioners
LevelIntroductory to intermediate